DASYLab IOT Data Acquisition

Create DASYLab IOT Data Acquisition using any DASYLab compatible IO device.

DASYLab IOT Data Acquisition MQTT module

A little background, Robert Owen has been using DASYLab in systems integration work for many years. We really like the simplicity where you can do things like Make a Virtual Temperature Chart Recorder in Minutes. Up until now we have used it to build small single PC test stands or multi-PC distributed automatic test facilities. In some cases several copies of DASYLab communicating with each other and other applications. Getting connected to remote internet connected locations required a large effort that was too difficult/expensive to justify the benefit if offered.


The DASYLab IOT MQTT module is a very big development. Previous to the DASYLab MQTT module, setting up an IOT system required a lot of in-depth knowledge of remote “Cloud” based servers and remote connections. IOT was the field of a programmer with networking knowledge. We know well about this as we have worked that out in systems ourselves.

  • The simplest way to get it was:
    • Buy a VM (virtual machine) on a major service provider platform
      • Buy/write code to handle the remote end
      • Write code to handle the customer GUI
    • Build a local machine to handle the upload
      • More and more Linux is said to be the way
      • Write code to handle the data to cloud connection
      • Integrate the IO hardware into the custom code
    • Sounds like a lot of work


  • Pay someone else to:
    • Provide a service of code to handle the remote end
      • With code to handle the customer GUI
    • Provide a local machine to handle the upload
      • More and more called an embedded device
        • Fancy name for a small Linux PC to handle uploads
      • Their proprietary code to handle the data to cloud connection
      • Use their choice of IO hardware written into their code
    • Sounds expensive

What DASYLab does is eliminate a lot of the labor and a lot of the cost. There are always going to be those that say “Wow, you are going to put a computer there, wouldn’t it be better to get one of the small, embedded devices?”. They are overlooking a few small things that can have a big long-term impact.

What is MQTT?

Think of MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) as the Twitter of devices. You subscribe to the topic and see new posts as they are made. Now MQTT is not for high-speed data acquisition, but it is perfect for environmental monitoring.

How can DASYLab add IOT to Data Acquisition?

The MQTT module, adds IOT to DASYLab. The MQTT module the ability to connect to a variety of online brokers for both publish and subscribe to message topics.

Robert Owen has years of experience in connecting sensors and software together. Because we code custom software solutions, we can get it done. We offer the approach most suited to the project. We can get it done, regardless of size, because we have the pieces to build solutions. For monitoring anywhere from a single sensor to hundreds. Robert Owen can assist with Sensor Signal ConditioningSensor Signal Processing, and Sensor Data Acquisition. Parts in a range of sensor signal connection services we offer.

To learn more Contact Us we look forward to answering your questions.

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